United Kingdom Newspapers from OldNews.com™
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United Kingdom Newspapers from OldNews.com™
3.894.576 pages in 3 newspaper titles
This index of historical local, regional and national British newspapers, periodicals and gazettes includes advanced optical character recognition (OCR) of articles dating back to 1665. Newspapers are an essential resource for genealogy and family history research as they can contain rich information about people in a family tree, through obituaries and other vital record substitutes such as birth, marriage, and death notices.<br><br>Additionally, society pages and stories of local interest can contain detailed records of activities and events in the community and often provide more information about the persons involved, as well as the historical context of the times in which an ancestor may have lived. Images for these newspapers can be viewed on <a href="https://www.oldnews.com/en" target="blank">OldNews.com</a>.
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